Data from the Global Volcanism Program of the Smithsonian Institution
Details for: Norikuradake
The summit of Norikura contains many small peaks and craters. The E (right) side of Enkodake (center) contains Kamegaike crater. Tsurugaike crater contains the pond in the center of the photo. The latest activity occurred during the Holocene and a recent eruption took place at the summit crater of Ichinoike. Photo by Lee Siebert, 1977 (Smithsonian Institution).
Volcano Number: 283060
Volcano Name: Norikuradake
Country: Japan
Volcano Type: Stratovolcano(es)
Last Eruption: 50 BCE
Elevation: 3026m
Tectonic Setting: Subduction zone / Continental crust (> 25 km)
Pop. within 5km: 250
Pop. within 10km: 1616
Pop. within 30km: 109638
Pop. within 100km: 5057979
Latitude: 36.106
Longitude: 137.554

Eruption Data from the Global Volcanism Program of the Smithsonian Institution
Emissions Data from the Global Volcanism Program of the Smithsonian Institution
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Data from the Earthchem Library
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Data from the Earthchem Portal
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Data from the SESAR Database

Data from the MaGa Database
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Data from UNAVCO
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Data from USIEI
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