Data from the Global Volcanism Program of the Smithsonian Institution
Details for: Akita-Yakeyama
Akita-Yakeyama, seen here from the E, is one of several Japanese volcanoes named Yakeyama ("Burning Mountain"). Yakeyama contains a lava dome in its 600-m-wide summit crater and the flat-topped Kuroshimori lava dome is visible to the left. Several thermal areas are located on the lower western flank. Copyrighted photo by Hiroshi Yagi (Japanese Quaternary Volcanoes database, RIODB, and Geol Surv Japan, AIST,
Volcano Number: 283260
Volcano Name: Akita-Yakeyama
Country: Japan
Volcano Type: Stratovolcano
Last Eruption: 1997 CE
Elevation: 1366m
Tectonic Setting: Subduction zone / Continental crust (> 25 km)
Pop. within 5km: 127
Pop. within 10km: 721
Pop. within 30km: 55493
Pop. within 100km: 3122037
Latitude: 39.964
Longitude: 140.757

Eruption Data from the Global Volcanism Program of the Smithsonian Institution
Emissions Data from the Global Volcanism Program of the Smithsonian Institution
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Data from the Earthchem Library
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Data from the Earthchem Portal
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Data from the SESAR Database
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Data from the MaGa Database
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Data from UNAVCO
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Data from USIEI
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